

Purpose of this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes the policies TheAIRTIME ("Mobilware") with respect to the collection of personally identifiable information from the Web site to which this policy is linked. The Web site to which this policy applies operates under the URL "theairtime.com".

Information This Privacy Policy Does Not Apply To

This privacy policy only applies to the Web site operating under the URL "theairtime.com" (and the underlying pages that operate under that primary URL) to which this policy is linked. TheAIRTIME is a division of MobilewareGroup. however, this policy does not apply to any other Websites operated by or on behalf of MobilewarteGroup or its affiliates and subsidiaries. Any information you provide when you a visit Web site other than that covered by this policy is subject to the privacy policies posted on those Websites. This policy also does not apply to information you may provide to us offline.

What is Personally Identifiable Information

"Personally identifiable information" is information that we can use to identify you as an individual. Personally identifiable information includes your name, address, telephone number, and any other information that is connected with you personally.

Collection of Personally Identifiable Information

TheAIRTIME.com.com endeavors to maintain the security and integrity of personal information that we obtain from our users. We do not disclose personal information to any outside party except as described in this policy.

TheAIRTIME.com.com collects personally identifiable information in the form of email addresses in two instances: when you post a comment on the site, or when you contact TheAIRTIME When making a comment on the blog, you may choose to use a non-personally identifiable nickname as your username. Submitting your email address is required. Your email address will not be displayed anywhere on the website and is strictly for the purposes of spam protection. You may also optionally include a website URL.

About IP Addresses

An IP address is a number that's automatically assigned to your computer whenever you're surfing the web. Web servers automatically identify your computer by its IP address. theairtime.com collects IP addresses for the purposes of system administration and to report anonymous aggregate information to third parties. When guests request pages from dustincomics.com, our servers log the users' IP addresses.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are pieces of information that a Website transfers to an individual's hard drive for record-keeping purposes. They allow a Website to remember you and allows for the personalization of Web pages. The use of cookies is an industry standard; you'll find them on most major Websites. TheAIRTIME.com.com may use cookies to understand our users better and to track information for them.

Some of our third-party advertisers may also use cookies in their ads. We do not have control over these advertising cookies.

If you do not want to share information through cookies, you can learn how to turn your cookies off at the Network Advertising Initiative (click here). However,TheAIRTIME.com.com will not function optimally with cookies turned off.

Sharing Personally Identifiable Information

TheAIRTIME.com.com may share or disclose personally identifiable information about you to other companies or individuals as disclosed in this policy, and when:

  • We utilize third party service providers to provide products, services or functions on our behalf (such as sending emails or processing credit cards or fulfilling subscriptions), and ask these service providers to agree to maintain the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information and not to use your personally identifiable information for any reason except to carry out the purpose(s) for which we hired them;
  • You have entered a contest or sweepstakes sponsored by a third party, in which case the information may be shared with that third party for their use in their discretion, including direct marketing (if you don'¬t want your name shared, you should not enter the contest or sweepstakes);
  • the entity to whom the information is disclosed is one under control of, or under common control with Hearst (for these purposes, a company controlling twenty (20%) percent or more of the voting stock of another entity shall be deemed to control such entity);
  • we need to protect our legal rights (for example, if we are trying to collect money you owe us);
  • we must comply with applicable laws, regulations, or legal or regulatory process; or
  • in connection with a sale, merger, transfer, exchange, or other disposition (whether of assets, stock, or otherwise) of all or a portion of the business conducted by the Web sites to which this policy applies.
  • Lusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati.
  • Praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos
  • At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi.
  • Mentum eleifend enim a feugiat distinctio lor

TheAIRTIME.com.com may display a nickname on our website when you have chosen to submit a comment for inclusion on the site. You are not required to give your real name. If you do not wish to have your name or nickname appear on the site, please do not submit a comment.

Links to Other Sites

You should be aware that when you are on TheAIRTIME.com.com you might be directed to other sites that are beyond our control. Every site on the Web has a different privacy policy and different policies regarding your personal information. The privacy policies and the practices of sites outside of TheAIRTIME.com.com and all of its services are beyond our control. It is your responsibility to read and understand the privacy policies of any and all websites you visit on the Internet These other sites may send their own cookies to users, or otherwise collect data or solicit personal information. Always be aware of where you end up on the net.


The importance of security for all personally identifiable information associated with our users is of utmost concern to us. Although security on the Internet can never be guaranteed, we endeavor to exercise great care in providing secure transmission of our users' personal information from their computers to our servers by utilizing encryption software. Only those employees who need access to our users' information in order to do their jobs are allowed access. Any employee who violates our privacy and/or security policies is subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination and civil and/or criminal prosecution.

Children's Privacy

No one under age 13 is allowed to provide any personal information or use our public discussion areas. To participate in activities where personal information is divulged on our site, you must be 13 or older. To make purchases on our site, you must be 18 or older and be a confirmed PayPal user.

If your children disclose information about themselves in our public discussion areas, they may get unsolicited messages from other parties. Accordingly, you should tell them not to do so. There are also commercially available tools to help you limits your children's exposure to material online.

If you're worried about your children's activities or their privacy on our site, we encourage you to e-mail us at info@theairtime.

User-Generated Postings

If you elect to post material to our blog, or if you elect to upload any photographs, audio or video, you will be solely responsible for all content, messages, text, files, images, graphics, photos, audio clips, sounds, video or other materials (the 'Postings'). You agree and warrant that any Postings you post to the sites will be true and accurate, will not defame any person or invade any person's privacy, and will not infringe the proprietary rights of any person. You agree not to furnish any Postings to which you do not own the rights. By furnishing Postings, you give TheAIRTIME the right to use such Postings in any manner and in any media now known or hereafter invented, including, without limitation, the right to combine your Postings with Postings of third parties in varied combinations. You also acknowledge that visitors to the sites may post comments about your Postings which may be derogatory, and that TheAIRTIME has no obligation to monitor or delete any such postings.

Please be aware that TheAIRTIME does not and cannot monitor all of the Postings made to the sites, and therefore TheAIRTIME will not be responsible for the content of any Postings. TheAIRTIME has no obligation to verify the accuracy of any personally identifying information that is posted to our sites. However, TheAIRTIME does reserve the right to delete or edit any material in any Posting that is obscene, harassing, offensive or otherwise objectionable and not in keeping with the community standards of the TheAIRTIME.com.com and to terminate access to the sites to offenders of the guidelines. If TheAIRTIME elects to edit any Postings, it nonetheless assumes no responsibility for the content of the Postings. Under no circumstances will TheAIRTIME be liable for any inaccuracy or defect in any Postings. We also expect our users to adhere to certain rules of the road. Therefore, you agree not to post, email, or otherwise make available Postings:

  • that are unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, pornographic, libelous, or invasive of another's privacy, or harmful to minors in any way;
  • that harass, degrade, intimidate or are hateful toward an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;
  • that include personal or identifying information about another person without that person's explicit consent.
  • that are false, deceptive, misleading, deceitful, misinforming, constitute "bait and switch" or impersonation of any person or entity;
  • contain your own or a third party's advertising, branding or promotional content;
  • that infringe any proprietary rights, including copyright, of any party, or Postings that you do not have a right to make available;
  • restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Hearst sites or the Hearst services offered on them;
  • that include your personal information, such as telephone number, street address, last name, URL or email address;
  • that are "cut and paste" private messages from other users;
  • that re-broadcast any posting that violates these terms.

Because TheAIRTIME does not monitor the Postings, you agree to use and rely on them at your own risk. TheAIRTIME cannot make any representation or warranty about the material contained in the Postings. TheAIRTIME likewise assumes no responsibility for any contact you may have with other users of our sites, either online or offline. If you elect to meet in person with someone you may meet on our sites, you do so at your own risk, and under no circumstances will TheAIRTIME be liable for any activity or injury that may occur.

If you feel that a user-generated posting on our site infringes upon your copyright, please contact our designated Agent at copyright@theairtime.com or sending a fax to the attention of TheAIRTIME Legal Department at (+66)-8047 41082 and we will assist you.

Deleting Your Information

If at any time you wish to have your comments removed from the TheAIRTIME.com.com database, contact us. We are able to fully delete any information you choose from our database and will do so except in the event that your content violates one of the terms above.

Advertising Disclosure

In addition to ads that we serve you directly, we use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our websites. Both we and our advertising companies may use information about your visits to this website and other sites you may visit to serve ads to you. In the course of serving advertisements to you, a unique third-party cookie may be placed or recognized on your browser. In addition, we and our advertising companies may use Web beacons (a small, invisible image places on a website) to help manage our online advertising. These Web beacons enable us and our third-party ad serving companies to recognize a browser's cookie when a browser visits this site and to learn which banner ads bring users to our website and to serve you ads that you may find of interest elsewhere on the internet. Both TheAIRTIME and these companies may use information (not including your names, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to these sites and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.

Other Terms of Use

If you are located outside of the United States, please note that the information you provide to us will be transferred to the United States. By using this Web site, you consent to this transfer.

We can, whenever we want, edit or delete any content displayed ondustincomics.com. You use TheAIRTIME.com.com at your own risk. Everything you see on our site is provided to you "as is." We make no warranties that this service will be timely, secure, uninterrupted, or error-free. You understand that if you download any material, you do so at your sole risk. TheAIRTIME.com.com is not liable for any damages that may result from your use of our site. This includes direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages and attorneys' fees arising from your access to and use of our site. By using TheAIRTIME.com.com you agree to protect and hold us harmless from all liabilities, claims, and expenses that may result from the use of this service, your posting of any material to the site, or the transmission of any content through this service, or your breach of these terms of service.

TheAIRTIME may change this policy from time to time in its discretion. Your continued use of our sites indicates your consent to this privacy policy and any amended versions of it.

Your Acceptance of These Terms

By using this site, you signify your assent to the TheAIRTIME.com.com privacy policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our site. We reserve the right to change these terms at any time without notice. Your continued use of our site following the posting of changes to these terms will mean that you accept those changes. You can send e-mail to us with any further questions.